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Essay on higher education

Essay on higher education

essay on higher education

 · Importance Of Higher Education In 21st Century Essay. 06/02/ | George Orwell | |. Higher education is a basic need for succeeding in today’s life. Students think that completing a bachelor’s degree is sufficient to get a good job in the 21st century. You can earn good money from a reputed job. But, in the future, you will ask yourself why you didn’t complete higher education? and you will realize the importance of higher blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins This paper explores trends in higher education in terms of Max Weber's theory of rationalization. It is Weber's contention that there are four basic motivators for human behavior. People are motivated by custom or tradition, by emotions, by religious o /5(12)  · Higher Education Funding Essay. Developed countries owe their success to higher education, and thus third world countries must emulate this concept to advance themselves. Third world countries have poor education systems that further complicate higher education

Higher Education Free Essay Sample

Higher education is perceived as extremely important, and for most people a college education has become the necessary admission ticket to good jobs and a middle-class lifestyle. Parents of high school students place especially high importance on a college education, and African American and Hispanic parents give college an even higher priority than do white parents.

All groups believe that the country should ensure that no qualified and motivated student is excluded from a college education because of the cost.

Several in our focus groups reflected on the difference a college education — or the lack of one — had made in their own lives, while others spoke of the impact of higher education on the lives of their children. My husband did not go to college. He works for SEPTA [the local transit authority] and he has advanced in salary and promotions along the way, but he has always said he would have made so much more money if he did have his college degree. When I was growing up what was important was to make the home front, with marriage and children, but today it is college.

When people talk about higher education, they usually mention first the need for a college education as a necessary prerequisite for finding a good job. Several of our respondents spontaneously expressed concern that young people might be essay on higher education themselves by taking high-paying jobs without getting the education they will need for the rest of their lives.

But I wonder in a few years, will there be a time when that will change and we will let them go? Other studies have found that when respondents are asked to select the most important quality for success, they rate things such as hard work ahead of a college education.

In our survey, however, a college education topped the list essay on higher education responses when we asked people to choose the one thing that can most help a person succeed in the world today.

See Table 3. Our respondents were by no means trapped by the stereotypical perception that higher education is only for year-olds. They know that people of all ages enroll in higher education, and many spoke with pride of their own achievements as adult learners and even of the achievements of their parents.

As the following focus group comments suggest, however, when people think of higher education, essay on higher education, they are most concerned with what happens to recent high school graduates. I generally think of the high school student as needing the college diploma to get a job, whereas the older person who has gone back probably already has a job, essay on higher education, but may be looking for something better.

Because of the perceived importance of higher education for recent high school graduates, we conducted focus groups specifically with parents and additional interviews with parents of high school students.

Parents are convinced that college is a vital experience for their children. The market demands it. Before you could get a good job with a high school graduation. The future market is going to be asking for that. In focus groups, people frequently commented that there are not enough people who are learning well-paying trades such as plumbing, and they spoke favorably of the need for more trade schools. But, at the same time, trade school is not what most people want for their own children.

They want their children not only to have a job with good pay, but also to have the kind of job and social standing that they see as following from a college education. Even More Important for Minorities Because Public Agenda conducted additional survey interviews and focus groups with African American and Hispanic parents of high school students, this study affords the unique opportunity to compare the attitudes of these two groups with white parents, as well as with the general public.

A host of explanations have been offered as to why Hispanic and African American participation rates in higher education are lower than the population as a whole. Some have argued that higher rates of poverty in these groups make access to higher education more difficult; others suggest that predominantly black or Hispanic high schools are less successful in preparing students for college work. It is also sometimes suggested that members of these minority groups, compared to other populations, do not place as high a value on higher education.

The findings from this study seem conclusively to eliminate this last reason. Higher education is important for all Americans, but it is especially important to African American and Hispanic parents, who are significantly more likely to emphasize higher education than either white parents or the population as a whole.

The high value essay on higher education college education is particularly clear when we ask people how important a college education is for success in later life. As Table 3 demonstrates, Hispanic parents are the most likely to assign high importance to essay on higher education education, followed by African American parents and then by white parents.

When we ask the general public which factor is most important for success, no single factor commands majority support. The Hispanic response, in other words, is nearly double that of the population in general. This emphasis on college also surfaced in a focus group with African American parents in Chicago and in another with Hispanic parents in El Paso.

The respondents frequently spoke of higher education as the key to economic and social mobility, and as one possible way to overcome the barriers of poverty and prejudice. Why is college important? Because we are black. It is the way that society is set up. Woman, essay on higher education, Chicago, Illinois A focus group of Hispanic parents in El Paso was particularly engaged by this topic. These parents dispelled the notion that as immigrants, or children of immigrants, they were unaware of the importance of college education in American society.

It did open doors. The difference between the views of Hispanic and African American parents versus white parents emerges even more sharply when we ask people whether it is possible to be successful in the workplace without a college education.

Most white parents feel that although higher education is important, it is not absolutely necessary. Respondents in focus groups were quick to give examples of jobs where success does not depend on a college education.

A man in Philadelphia essay on higher education about sales: Sales requires mostly an ability to sell. If you have an ability to sell you can go anywhere just as if you had a college degree, and you can make an enormous amount of money. Essay on higher education we interviewed Hispanic and African American parents, essay on higher education, however, the picture changes substantially. As Table 4 shows, African American attitudes fall in between the views of the population as a whole and the strong position taken by Hispanic parents.

A Gap Between Aspiration and Participation The emphasis that parents place on higher education becomes even more striking when we compare it to the actual participation rates of the various groups. As Table 5 shows, participation in higher education is lowest among Hispanics, somewhat higher among African Americans and highest among whites.

Significantly, the value placed on college education is highest among those who have the lowest rates of participation, essay on higher education. Hispanics, who have the lowest participation rates, are the most likely to stress the importance of higher education. Essay on higher education Societal Perspective In addition to viewing higher education as important for the individual, essay on higher education, the people we interviewed also see higher education as important for society at large.

The comments from focus groups help illustrate this conviction: A certain percentage of these college graduates are going to be running this country. These are the leaders of the country. This stands in contrast to what we saw in our first national essay on higher education injust as the country was pulling out of a recession. However, there seems to be a shift in public sentiment, perhaps reflecting the dramatically expanding job prospects available to recent college graduates inessay on higher education, compared essay on higher education the prospects of college graduates in Inpeople in focus groups frequently talked of the problem of over-education, complete with stories about Ph.

s driving taxicabs. Inthere was little mention of this, and people were much more likely to talk about the need for having educated people in the area to attract industries. The Importance of Opportunity Given the importance that people place on higher education, it is hardly surprising that they are equally concerned that everyone who is qualified and motivated has the opportunity to attend a college or university.

Access to higher education, in the eyes of many people, essay on higher education, is equivalent to access to the current version of the American dream. In effect, the public believes that providing people with opportunities for higher education is the way American society promotes social mobility. This value is shared by whites, African Americans and Hispanics. Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login.

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An Essay on Higher Education - WriteWork

essay on higher education

 · Essay, Pages 4 ( words) Views. Higher education is the key to new worlds. In past decades, college education was seen as a privilege which few had access to. Nowadays, it has become a culminating stage in people’s life. Higher education has proved that it has a monetary value, as the salary of a person with a college education is higher than that of a person with a high school Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins This paper explores trends in higher education in terms of Max Weber's theory of rationalization. It is Weber's contention that there are four basic motivators for human behavior. People are motivated by custom or tradition, by emotions, by religious o /5(12) The primary objective of higher education is to enhance one’s abilities for his future. A student can learn from school in numerous ways, but liberal education is not a way to attract students into further and higher education. However, students can learn a lot more

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