Thursday, May 20, 2021

Essay smoking

Essay smoking

essay smoking

Short Essay on Smoking. Smoking has become very common and fashionable, especially among young boys. This habit usually begins at school when boys try to experiment with every new thing that they can lay their hands on. Despite the warnings given by doctors about the ill-effects of smoking, people continue to blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min view essay example. Smoking 1 Page. Ever since the s, when cigarettes were deemed unhealthy, there has been constant effort to educate people on the tragic effects of smoking. It seems that one cannot go a day without hearing about how cigarettes are harmful. Some people are Smoking leads to negative health outcomes such as various kinds of cancers and chronic diseases and reduces the overall health of individuals. Some diseases caused by smoking are - oral cancer, lung cancer, chronic diseases such as - stroke, blindness, cataract, periodontitis, COPD, diabetes, smoking during pregnancy causes pregnancy complications

Smoking cause and effect Essay | Teen Ink

Special offer! Promo code: SAVE There are many chemicals contained in tobacco smoke that pose health risks both to smokers and nonsmokers, essay smoking. It can be harmful to even breathe a little tobacco smoke.

At least 69 of these known harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke cause cancer. This essay smoking why cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable premature deaths in the United States.

Overall, smoking is harmful to nearly all body organs and thus quitting has health benefits. Smoking damages the human heart and interferes with normal blood circulation. This increases the risks of such conditions as cerebrovascular disease damage to arteries supplying blood to the brainessay smoking, peripheral vascular disease damaged blood vesselsstroke, heart attack, and coronary heart disease.

Essay smoking heart is made to work faster by nicotine and carbon monoxide from the smoke thereby essay smoking it. The cigarette contents also increase the risks of one experiencing blood clots in their circulation system. In addition, smoking leads to furring of the coronary arteries as the lining of the arteries are damaged by other chemicals in the cigarette smoke.

As a matter of fact, one faces a double risk of having a heart attack by smoking NHS, Their risk of dying from coronary heart disease is also twice that of nonsmokers. It is also noteworthy essay smoking most cases of lung cancer are caused by smoking.

An attack can be triggered or made worse by tobacco smoke in people who have asthma. Compared to nonsmokers, essay smoking, the chances of smokers dying from COPD are 12 to 13 times higher. Additionally, smoking causes a cancer that forms in the essay smoking rectum or colon known as colorectal cancer and is the second leading contributor to cancer deaths in the U.

American Lung Association, essay smoking, A smoker has higher risks of developing this type of cancer. Smoking can also cause serious damages to the mouth and throat. The most serious damage caused by smoking in the throat and mouth is an increased cancer risk in the gullet esophagusessay smoking, voice box, throat, essay smoking, tongue, and lips.

This risk increases with an increase in the intake of tobacco contents. This implies that nonsmokers have a greatly reduced risk of developing mouth and throat cancers. Further, smoking can make a essay smoking to experience difficulties in becoming pregnant, essay smoking.

Even if they succeed at conceiving, there are higher risks for a pregnant smoker to miscarry. Moreover, if a woman smokes during or after pregnancy, her infant would have higher risks of dying essay smoking Sudden Infant Death Syndrome SIDS National Cancer Institute, Furthermore, according to CDCa pregnant smoker may essay smoking experience stillbirth whereby her baby may die before birth.

Quitting smoking reduces the risk of many diseases caused by the habit, including COPD, heart disease, essay smoking, and cancer. Data from the U. National Health Interview Survey essay smoking that if one quits smoking, they have reduced chances of essay smoking from illnesses that are smoking-related as compared to those who continues to smoke.

Generally, quitters have substantial life expectancy gains in comparison to those who continue to smoke, essay smoking. According to the U. National Health Interview Survey, quitters aged between 25 and 34 live longer for about ten years, 35 and 44 for about nine years, essay smoking, 45 and 54 for about six years, and 55 and 64 for about four years.

It is therefore only through quitting that one would be free from the problems caused by smoking. In this respect, there can never be specific solutions to specific health problems caused by smoking; rather, the problems may be best addressed through solutions whose target would be to make one quit.

One of the solutions, as suggested by Usman and Davidsonwould be to set the stage to quit by mentally preparing oneself. One may also quit by controlling cravings essay smoking smoking by using nicotine replacement products which should be used based on consultations with a doctor. Smoking essay smoking almost every organ of the human body and is thus detrimental to health.

It causes fatal diseases such as cancer, heart disease, COPD, and can also damage the mouth and throat. It results into premature deaths that could otherwise be prevented.

It also affects pregnant women who may experience increased risks of orofacial clefts in infants, ectopic pregnancy, essay smoking, sudden infant death syndrome, low birth weight, stillbirth, and preterm delivery. This is essay smoking irrespective of the age at which one quits the habit. American Lung Association. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Cancer Institute.

Usman, M. Tips on how to stop smoking. Mendon, MA: Mendon Cottage Books. A Sample Smoking Essay Outline. Thesis: Smoking is harmful to nearly all body organs and thus quitting has health benefits. Quitting is highly recommendable. com is a leading academic writing service that is dedicated to providing extra support and help to students all over the world. Through our website, students can request for help in a diverse range of subjects and disciplines. We understand that studies are the foundation of success; yet they can be quite a challenge without extra help.

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Smoke Essay Examples - Free Essay Samples about Smoking Cigarettes

essay smoking

Feb 25,  · Smoking is like a slow death. There are various examples of smoking. Smoking leads to lung cancer, heart disease, strokes, asthma and wide variety of other diseases. Smokers May 30,  · Smoking can cause serious damages to the mouth and throat. It can cause strained teeth, bad breath and gum disease. It causes an increased cancer risk in the gullet, voice box, throat, tongue, and lips. Paragraph 4: Smoking can make a woman to experience difficulties in becoming pregnant. There are higher risks for a pregnant smoker to blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Short Essay on Smoking. Smoking has become very common and fashionable, especially among young boys. This habit usually begins at school when boys try to experiment with every new thing that they can lay their hands on. Despite the warnings given by doctors about the ill-effects of smoking, people continue to blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min

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