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Essays on racial profiling

Essays on racial profiling

essays on racial profiling

 · Racial Profiling. Moreover, racial profiling comes out to play in Stop and Frisk theory. The US Constitution gives the protection to all citizens to have the same equal treatment under the law. However, racial profiling as well as religion, ethnicity and nationality are being subject of abused even though the constitution provides a guarantee Racial Profiling Essay. Racial Profiling. Words | 7 Pages. form of racial profiling in today’s society. Many individuals racially profile others unconsciously because of the many stereotypes attached to certain ethnic groups. Additionally, racial profiling is mostly viewed as a practice commonly used by the police  · A racial profiling essay may require a student, among other things, to discuss the origin, prevalence or effects of racial profiling in a given country. Here is a sample essay that discusses racial profiling in the United States. Free Racial Profiling Essay ExampleEstimated Reading Time: 7 mins

ᐅ Racial Profiling Essay Examples - argumentative and persuasive essays |

Stop and frisk is the detention temporarily of a person and search their clothing based on specific, articulate facts that lead the police officer to have reasonable suspicious that the person is armed and dangerous. However, in the recent years, many people are arguing that stop and frisk are used to target minorities, because the numbers of people who are more stop and frisk by the police are Latinos and African-American.

Therefore, stop and frisk are affecting the relationship between police and communities instead of protecting communities, this theory is terrorizing minorities. The fact that this procedure gives to cops such a big power. If a stop is due should fit in the description of reasonable suspicious which can be for a dangerous weapon or weapons contraband.

Based on the constitution the Fourth Amendment play a fundamental role of essays on racial profiling people from illegal searches. A stop can only be used for just 20 minutes, if the stops take longer than that can be a violation of the Fourth amendment. An arrest is another process that takes longer because the police have to take that person to the precinct and booked. Furthermore, there is many statistics and proof that points about who are getting stop the most of this theory.

As we know this theory of stop and frisk was mostly used to fight crimes in Los Angeles and New York City. Mentioned that those cities are higher in percentages of black and Latinos communities, who are the poor working class and live in poor neighborhoods. Therefore, if we say essays on racial profiling in New York city Latinos and black are 23 percent and 29 percent of the population and 84 percent of the stop who has been made are against black and Latinos resident.

Moreover, racial profiling comes out to play in Stop and Frisk theory. The US Constitution gives the protection to all citizens to have the same equal treatment under the law. However, racial profiling as well as religion, ethnicity and nationality are being subject of abused even though the constitution provides a guarantee of equal treatment.

Hispanics and African-Americans are excessive likely to be stopped and searched by an officer, even so they can be innocent of being armed or committing a criminal act. This is why police distrust comes around and communities are scared of the police. As soon as the police target communities based on race, religion and nationality and not behavior, the relationship of police and communities can have a negative effective crime fighting and police distrust.

Morins on his book talks about police abuse and essays on racial profiling against Latinos communities. He mentioned that people of color are most often seen as perpetrators of crime. But why this happens? Maybe because they are poor, they live in a low-income area and they are black and Latino Morin A case that demonstrated the injustice and miscounted of police discrimination against African-Americans and Latinos is State v, essays on racial profiling. Pedro Soto of New Jersey, which the case was concluded that the New Jersey state police was found engaged in unlawful racial profiling, essays on racial profiling.

This type of racial profiling happens every day and many people are scared to say something. It just making things worst Morins Our society deserves to live free of danger, free of crimes and harm.

We all deserve the same equal treatment regardless of physical essays on racial profiling, so people can walk on the street and spend time outside without harassment from the law enforcement Garcia. As a result, essays on racial profiling, do stop and frisk worth it?

It is used to get information to solve crimes contraband and many other criminal activities. Also, is a theory that sends a message to law breakers and criminals that they can be pat-down at any moment, so it prevents crimes.

We all know that crimes have been dropping down drastically since the s in New York city and Los Angeles. However, essays on racial profiling, its being causing a lot of harm to poor communities, which incarcerated many young kids and ruin their lives. During a month period spanning and part ofpolice in the city had made at leastessays on racial profiling, stops.

These police meet generally represents a significant challenge for the judges. Causing judges for many months, or even years to hear cases between cops and suspects, to decide if the stop was constitutionally legal and thus whether the evidence was legally obtained, to use in court. The most important case and the one who brings stop and frisk theory is Terry v.

Terry went to trial and was found guilty of possession of a weapon and sentenced to three years in prison. Terry v.

Ohio, U. Other cases that led to a violation of the fourth amendments are Arizona V. Johnson, Illinois V. Wardlow, Floyd, et al. City of New York, Florida V.

Floyd, et al. This case represents a mass of Latinos and blacks who had been stopped by the police without probable cause. Innocent teenagers that were stopped on the way to school, home or work. The Floyd case was arguing that racial profiling was in issued on communities which some Street Crime Unit was using this tactic. The way police encounter innocent people without any reason, essays on racial profiling. The lack of reasonable suspicious of making stops, which violate the fourth amendment.

Also, that the percentage of people who were mostly stopped by the police were African-American and Latinos, which constitutionally violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

This case ends up in essays on racial profiling of the people. By saying that the police department had violated the Fourth Amendment under the unreasonable searches and the Fourth teen amendment by concluding that stops and frisk is a racially discriminatory way, essays on racial profiling.

Arizona V. Johnson is a very important case that brings illegal search. Lemon Johnson was in the back seat of a car when he got stop by the state police in Sugar, Hill, Arizona. After, the officer stops asking questions to the occupant of the car, taking advantage of Johnson suspension he asks Johnson and the other occupants to step essays on racial profiling of the car, so he can question him further.

Although Johnson can refuse to get out of the car, he voluntarily exited. The policeman searches him, and the officer revealed a weapon and small amount of marijuana, essays on racial profiling. Likewise, the evidence that was obtained on the car search by the police officer, was used in court to convict Johnson of 1 the unlawful possession of a weapon as a prohibit processor and 2 possession of marijuana. The conviction was reversed because the court found that the officers had no reason to believe that Johnson was involved in any criminal activity when he was searched.

Illinois V. Wardlow, this case is about Sam Wardlow, a man who got stopped and frisked by two officers because he was running in a place known for heavy narcotics trafficking. After the officers conduct a pat down against Wardlow, the police found a. The officers arrested Wardlow after finding the weapon on his person.

In the trial the defendant argues that the court should suppress the gun because his stop and search and seizure was unconstitutional. The officers stop Wardlow and arrest him without a specific reason of why the stop was necessary. At the end, essays on racial profiling, the Illinois Appellate Court went in favor of Wardlow mentioned that the officer did not have reasonable suspicious to make the stop.

Another case, that fit under the Fourth Amendment violation against citizen its Florida V. On October 13, Miami- Dade police get anonymous information that a black male wearing a plaid shirt was standing near a bus stop with a gun. After the anonymous tip two officers responded found three black males, one was J. L who was wearing a plaid shirt. After the two officers frisk them, they found a gun on J. L, which later on was charged with carrying a gun without a license.

At the trial, J. L side argues that the evidence obtains by the officers should be suppressed, because the frisking performed by the officers was unconstitutional under the Fourth Amendment violation. Following this, these cases were shown to essays on racial profiling people that stops cannot be made because of our appearances and from where we come from, essays on racial profiling.

Our bill of rights gives protection to citizens, essays on racial profiling, as is stated in the Fourth Amendment that provided security of property from illegal searches and seizure without the exception of probable cause.

Furthermore, stop and frisk theory has a big impact on genders too. It is reasonable to believe that a male can be more stop than a female. Statistic shows that that male suspects Mentioned that we can say that even tough woman are less likely to be stopped by the police, many women have been subject of police harassment, essays on racial profiling.

According to Solis female respondents often also note that there is a sexualized component to their encounter with police. As a matter of fact, its stop and frisk a successful theory? Stop and Frisk haven been unsuccessful because this theory gives to cop a big power that they can abuse against citizen and violates their human rights.

I believe there can be other ways that police can do their work by keeping communities safe and keep up a peaceful relationship with the people around them. The New York city police department has operated stop and frisk as a form of terror on African-American and Hispanic communities Butler. Many people essays on racial profiling like Brehon tells the same story in which they feel scary to say something.

Therefore, people are scared and angry when things like that happens essays on racial profiling their communities, essays on racial profiling, making them believe that the criminal justice system is not working for the people and essays on racial profiling are just trying to incarcerate young Black and Latinos kids, to ruin their life.

In addiction David R. Inthe police had made more thanstops, in where more than 80 percent are Blacks and Latinos, essays on racial profiling, many of them were young men. Most of them were stopped frequently over the course of the year by the police, essays on racial profiling.

However, the data of stop and frisk shows that there are millions of stops going on in the country and 9 out of 10 of those stops was not effective because there was not accused of any crime or violation. In essays on racial profiling, blacks accounted for Moreover, essays on racial profiling, it is necessary to have a law enforcement policy that can help our law enforcement agency, so our communities become safer.

Cops work for the people and to build a safer environment for everybody. It is a fact that minorities are the ones who suffered the most by officers who are just focusing by race, color and ethnicity. The law should be applied in the same way for everyone, without abuse of power, many NYPD officers are using their power in a negative way.

Furthermore, stop and frisk were mainly started to use in the s, when crimes were very high.

How racial profiling hurts everyone, including the police - Jamil Jivani - TEDxToronto

, time: 10:38

Racial Profiling in America - Words | Essay Example

essays on racial profiling

 · The question that remains unanswered is, is racial profiling good or bad, and does it really have an effect on the way police fight crime effectively. Racial profiling has been one of many civil rights issues concerning the unnecessary stopping and arresting of people based on race, color, ethnicity and gender. Skin-color has become evidence of the propensity to commit crime, and police use this Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins  · Racial Profiling. Moreover, racial profiling comes out to play in Stop and Frisk theory. The US Constitution gives the protection to all citizens to have the same equal treatment under the law. However, racial profiling as well as religion, ethnicity and nationality are being subject of abused even though the constitution provides a guarantee  · Cause 1. The first and the most significant reason for the present situation concerning racial profiling may be referred to broadly as a “historically conditioned cause.”. Its roots back to America’s complicated history of slavery, the legacy of slavery, and is based on a deeply ingrained idea of racial superiority

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