Thursday, May 20, 2021

Examples of critical appraisal essays

Examples of critical appraisal essays

examples of critical appraisal essays

 · A critical analysis essay requires its writers to write a critical evaluation of an argument. Topics can range from analyzing a modern or historical event, film, book, types of music, and complicated social and political issues. It is a form of evaluation and observation with subjective elements  · Sample Essay: Critical Appraisal of Research: A Qualitative, & A Quantitative Research Report Introduction A nurse’s career is not only professionally challenging but also puts great demand on physical and mental resources to cope up with the continuously changing environment within a healthcare setting  · A Critical Appraisal of: Beowulf and Gilgamesh There are many differences and critical comparisons that can be drawn between the epics of Beowulf and Gilgamesh. Both are historical poems which shape their respected culture and both have major social, cultural, and political impacts on the development of western civilization literature and writing

How To Write A Critical Essay, with Samples

Written by Raymond H. As such, critiquing is a key skill that should be developed and practised by all nurses and healthcare professionals alike. In order to critique the selected article, the Caldwell et al.

The results of this critiquing process, including the identifications of strengths and limitations of the article, form the remainder of this paper. The examples of critical appraisal essays of the paper in question provides a clear insight into the content of the paper, noting the approach used qualitativethe population of interest patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [COPD] and the broad aim of the study. The authors of the paper have a solid publication history and are members of the nursing or palliative care team in a large metropolitan hospital, adding credibility to the research Tong et al, examples of critical appraisal essays.

The abstract of a paper provides a key summary of the key elements of the paper, including the aim, design, results, and implications of the findings of the study Caldwell et al. This paper utilises a structured abstract, providing clarity in interpreting the key elements of the paper Grove et al.

The authors successfully provide a suitable justification for the approach used, summarising the key processes used to design and conduct the study, as well as the main findings and their implications. The rationale for the study is clearly described by the authors, based on a comprehensive and contemporary literature search.

The authors identify the epidemiology of COPD and the consequences of the condition, including the palliative care needs of patients. Furthermore, they highlight existing UK policy on palliative care access and service improvement needs for these patients.

The literature review uses up-to-date policy and research to justify the need for the present study and the aim of the paper is developed accordingly Grove et al. However, examples of critical appraisal essays, a wider discussion of the ethical issues that arose during the research, or were considered prior to data collection, are not discussed in detail. The general methodological approach is qualitative in nature, consistent with the aim of the research i.

exploration of lived experiences. However, the authors of this paper offer no discussion of their philosophical stance, a notable limitation.

However, it is not uncommon in published manuscripts that these details are omitted for brevity, which should be considered a possible explanation for the absence of such discussion Rosenfeld, Despite the absence of a philosophical discussion of the research method, the research design and associated processes are discussed and justified examples of critical appraisal essays. The general concepts explored in the study are defined in a supplementary appendix and strongly relate to the themes evident in the background literature search, suggesting an appropriate means of identifying relevant topics for analysis.

The research design is based on the completion of semi-structured interviews, which is not specifically justified as an approach. However, this is a suitable method, as semi-structured interviews allow for a detailed narrative to be obtained from each patient, examples of critical appraisal essays, with coverage of key topics but the opportunity for patients to expand on their own experiences and provide insight into additional phenomena Whiting, Details of the semi-structured interview process are not provided in the body of the manuscript but are shown in a supplementary appendix, illustrating the length, location, and processes of the interviews, which is an essential marker of research transparency Whiting, The participants were selected from a specific location and their inclusion was based on the fulfillment of key criteria.

In this instance, it is an appropriate strategy, as patients with COPD accessing palliative care services are a distinct group. Both inpatient and outpatient services were considered, presumably as a means of expanding the available number of patients for participation.

Furthermore, the authors ensured objectivity in the research method by excluding patients known to the researchers in a clinical capacity, while ensuring that patient capacity to participate was assessed and used to guide the examples of critical appraisal essays process Dobson, Overall, the sampling process may provide limitations on the generalizability of the findings to other locations or patient groups Gibbs et al.

However, it should be recognised that the sampling strategy may have led to bias when selecting patients, as patients with extreme views on service quality or their own experiences may have been more likely to share their opinions Gibbs et al. Furthermore, the most unwell patients, who were physically unable to participate, may have different insights into service use, which would not have been explored in this study Dobson, The approach is well-structured and is suitably designed to allow for the identification and synthesis of the lived experiences of a patient group, consistent with the aim of the paper.

The use of multiple researchers in analysing data also reduces the risk of individual researchers introducing bias into the analytical process, examples of critical appraisal essays, increasing the reliability of the data analysis approach Caldwell et al.

However, the role of the researcher is important to consider when adopting any qualitative study, as researchers may influence the data collected and the analysis process Caldwell et al. The authors examples of critical appraisal essays to provide an overview of the role of the researcher in this study, marking one limitation of the theoretical basis of the paper. It can be argued that appreciation of the role of the author as a source of social desirability bias has been presented, which is an important point to note van de Mortel, examples of critical appraisal essays, It must be noted that the authors of the study felt that their influence would be minimised as they were not in direct clinical contact with any patient, which may apply to their clinical role but examples of critical appraisal essays necessarily their position as a researcher.

Therefore, examples of critical appraisal essays, this point may have required further comment in the paper to clarify the reflection of the authors. This is a commonly used approach to presenting qualitative data sets that are thematic in nature and is therefore justified Bazeley, The use of quotations allows the reader to relate the assertions of the researchers back to the original transcripts, thereby increasing the credibility of the research process Bazeley, The main themes identified in the literature included: physical impact, psychosocial impact, spiritual impact and perceptions of examples of critical appraisal essays care services.

All of the themes are appropriate and relevant to the research aim, while each theme is explored in sufficient detail to suggest that they are appropriate outcomes of the research process. It may have been useful for the reader if the themes and sub-themes were identified in a tabulated format to supplement the narrative presentation, while also providing a clear link between themes and the original transcript data Grbich, The discussion section provides an overview of the main study findings and attempts to place these findings within the wider context of patient care and associated literature.

The discussion section is adequately referenced, with contemporary sources used to support he points raised by the authors, examples of critical appraisal essays. Indeed, the discussion section should be richly referenced to demonstrate that the authors have considered their findings in relation to previous studies or knowledge gaps Caldwell et al. The authors achieve this successfully while maintaining their thematic approach to the research question.

The authors of the paper also provide a detailed overview of the strengths and weaknesses of their paper, which is recommended as a means of self-appraisal in the literature Caldwell et al.

The authors rightly reflect that the external validity of the findings is limited due to the small-scale and localised geographical nature of the study process Silverman, examples of critical appraisal essays Furthermore, the authors have generally considered other limitations noted aboveexamples of critical appraisal essays, suggesting an honest and reflective account of the research process Silverman, The conclusion of the paper focuses on the implications of the study for service design and future research.

It is important to note that the authors state that the value of their research lies in providing an overview of the experiences of patients and therefore may be limited in guiding service design without future studies being conducted.

Indeed, this form of study is often hypothesis-generating, rather than directly linked to practical measures that may be used to improve services Daly et al. However, the suggestions and conclusions drawn by the authors are reasonable and realistic, relating to their findings closely.

Finally, the suggested future research directions successfully build on the findings of the present study, while exposing knowledge gaps and the need for specific types of study in this population.

Overall, this study adheres to many of the standard requirements of a well-conducted qualitative research process, including the isolation of a suitable data collection and analysis approach, as well as interpretation of the findings in relation examples of critical appraisal essays a qualitative perspective. However, the small sample size and limited examples of critical appraisal essays location of the study reduce the transferability of the research and the implications for practice.

Furthermore, the lack of a philosophical paradigm reduces the theoretical strength of the research. The implications of the research are considered in light of these limitations and are suitably comprehensive to suggest that further studies may integrate these findings to explore gaps in the knowledge base. Ajjawi, R. Using Hermeneutic Phenomenology to Investigate How Experienced Practitioners Learn to Communicate Clinical Reasoning. The Qualitative Report12 4 Aveyard, H.

A Beginner's Guide to Evidence-based Practice in Health and Social Care. London: McGraw-Hill Education UK. Bazeley, P. Malaysian Journal of Qualitative Research2 2 Caldwell, K. Developing a framework for critiquing health research, examples of critical appraisal essays.

Journal of Health, Social and Environmental Issues6 1 Developing a framework for critiquing health research: an early evaluation. Nurse Education Today31 8e1-e7. Daly, J. A hierarchy of evidence for assessing qualitative health research. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology60 1 Denzin, N. The Sage handbook of qualitative research. London: Sage. Dobson, C. Conducting research with people not having the capacity to consent to their participation: A practical guide for examples of critical appraisal essays. London: British Psychological Society, Professional Practice Board.

Gibbs, L. What have sampling and data collection got to do with good qualitative research?. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health31 6 Grbich, C. Qualitative data analysis: An introduction. Grove, S. The practice of nursing research: Appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence.

London: Elsevier Health Sciences. Hamer, S. Achieving evidence-based practice: A handbook for practitioners, examples of critical appraisal essays. Hayle, C. Understanding the experience of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who access specialist palliative care: A qualitative study. Palliative Medicine27 9 Kisely, S.

Critically appraising qualitative research: A guide for clinicians more familiar with quantitative techniques.

Australasian Psychiatry19 4 Marshall, C. Designing qualitative research. London: Sage publications.

How to Critically Appraise Articles- Idaho State University Library

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Critical Analysis Essay: Full Writing Guide with Examples | EssayPro

examples of critical appraisal essays

 · A Critical Appraisal of: Beowulf and Gilgamesh There are many differences and critical comparisons that can be drawn between the epics of Beowulf and Gilgamesh. Both are historical poems which shape their respected culture and both have major social, cultural, and political impacts on the development of western civilization literature and writing  · A critical analysis essay requires its writers to write a critical evaluation of an argument. Topics can range from analyzing a modern or historical event, film, book, types of music, and complicated social and political issues. It is a form of evaluation and observation with subjective elements  · Sample Essay: Critical Appraisal of Research: A Qualitative, & A Quantitative Research Report Introduction A nurse’s career is not only professionally challenging but also puts great demand on physical and mental resources to cope up with the continuously changing environment within a healthcare setting

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