Nursing often deals with ethical dilemmas in the clinical arena. A case study demonstrates an ethical dilemma faced by healthcare providers who care for and treat Jehovah's Witnesses who are placed in a critical situation due to medical life-threatening situations. A Nursing Ethics Essay. Words4 Pages. Nurses support and enable individuals, families and groups to maintain, restore or improve their health status. Nurse also care for and comfort when deterioration of health has become irreversible. A traditional ideal of nursing is caring and nurturing of human beings regardless of race, religion, status, age, gender, Essay on Nursing Ethics Words | 4 Pages. Ethics in Nursing Overview According to Aiken () “Ethics is the discipline that deals with rightness and wrongness of actions”. The goal is similar to that of the legal system except that in most cases there is no system of enforcement or ethical penalties
Nursing ethics Free Essay Example
Nursing Ethics In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, medical technology has advanced enough to provide certain measures to keep the body "alive," but not necessarily the brain or the cognitive functions that make up quality of life O'Keefe-McCarthy, Despite the fact that death is a cyclical part of life, humans still have a very difficult time dealing with issues surrounding terminal illness: hospice, do not resuscitate, costs for survival, euthanasia, and conversations about end of life planning.
For the modern Nurse leader, the core of the philosophical and psychological debate seems to focus on two viewpoints. One believes that the individual has control over their body and the decisions surrounding their quality of life. he other view takes on a more moral and religious stance, believing that life is divinely created and that nurses and doctors, in particular, have society's trust and the responsibility to preserve life….
The nursing argument is really an argument-based ethical issue involving several aspects of medical ethics: autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and justice.
From a care perspective, nursing can be considered a situationally positive of negative form of appropriate nursing care. Ironically, nursing responsibilities are used in both the pro- and con- arguments. The additional critical issue nursing ethics essay that there is no exact answer to the issue -- no complete moral or legal answer that covers every situation and every individual.
Legally, the nurse is bound by the overall rules nursing ethics essay the State and Nation; nursing ethics may come into the picture, but not nursing ethics essay they cause a nurse to break the law Quaghebeur, et al. A Code of Ethics is in place so that professionals have a clear and unambiguous way to help make decisions.
With the six fundamental principles of ethics combined with the principles of informatics ethics, we find that there is a duty that is expected of the nurse to provide privacy, openness, security, and support the patient's wishes. In this sense, ethics and legality do not mesh. In the case of euthanasia, for instance, a patient may have the appropriate documentation legally signed no intrusive measures, etc.
They also have the moral duty of allowing the individual the moral right to choose what is best for them as an extension of the basis on national rights. For the nurse, nursing ethics essay, every Code of Ethics says that suffering and lengthy pain are not moral, nursing ethics essay.
Making it easier for the patient to be comfortable when there is no hope for recover is kinder than heroic medical measures that may prolong pain and suffering IMIA; Information for Research on Euthanasia, This is certainly a quandary for legal scholars, moral philosophers, healthcare professionals, and anyone who has a loved one in an untenable terminal and painful, condition.
We then have the trend in medical ethics in the 21st century that not seems to focus on deontology more than utilitarianism the means are more important than the nursing ethics essay. But, the combination of care and virtue ethics also means that besides nursing ethics essay ethics, we must also look at the overall benefit to society.
Within medical ethics, healthcare. Nursing Ethics Ethical Dilemma Ethics Identify the potential ethical dilemma A nurse accused of stealing. She is a good nurse but cannot be allowed to continue stealing and breaking the law while she is performing her duties. Collect, analyze, and interpret data Nurses must protect clients' well-being, even while they strive to support other nurses. The case study is presented in such a manner which suggests that the nurse manager is fairly certain, given the evidence she has observed, that this individual is the party responsible for the series of thefts.
State the dilemma A nurse-manager has an unequivocal ethical responsibility to report any suspected crimes. However, this could destroy the goodwill on the ward and impede the community of nurses from working together and getting things done.
Also, the crime may be difficult to prove and cause divisiveness on the ward. Can the dilemma be resolved by the nurse? Reference Blais, Kathleen K. Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives. In terms of underage drinking, a nurse can act in a public health manner that identifies circumstances and situations that make a population vulnerable, and take steps to either mitigate those circumstances or educate to prevent them in the first place.
Colleagues -- Nursing is never a field in isolation. Instead, it works with a number of colleagues in various disciplines to support health issues.
This would include teachers, school administrators, and members of the retail establishment that all might have an effect on underage drinking and the problems associated. Because nurses are advocates for health, they are often consulted by colleagues, nursing ethics essay. In the reverse, nurses should network and advocate programs that seek to reduce situations that make a population vulnerable -- in this case, the buying and selling of alcohol to the underage; restricting venues in which drinking might be allowed; nursing ethics essay working with the community to provide an….
These questions lead nursing ethics essay into the code of ethics and the very first one deals with the respect for human dignity.
Human dignity can encompass a variety of components and it must be considered when applying bioethics or ethics in general to prolonging someone's life for the sake of medicine and not for the sake of human dignity. The next item on the list nursing ethics essay values held by the patient. Respect for their individual value system should be of ultimate concern for the nurse in regards to treatment. As an example; if the patient's religion affords them the comfort of an afterlife, then it should considered.
The patient's beliefs and values should be placed first in priority. Along with that value system is autonomy…. This is more complicated by the prevalence of other mental disorders like dementia and drug induced mood swings, nursing ethics essay. Nurses need to be well trained in pattern recognition and logical assessment of the condition and take suitable action to solve these problems.
Another study by Coyle et al. Fatigue, pain, anorexia etc. For example, food intake would stop during the final hours of the patient as….
pdf 2 Field D, James N. Gould,"Health Care for Older. Nursing Ethics A strong ethical component undergirds the nursing profession. Nurses have an express duty to care, and we are driven by the desire to help others. When completing the "My Nursing Ethic" questionnaire, I was asked to search for the roots of my passion and motivation, nursing ethics essay.
I was also asked to consider who or what nursing ethics essay me, and to whom I am loyal. It is this latter question that becomes the most challenging, because nurses will often discover they have conflicting loyalties. Most of the ethical challenges I have encountered as a nurse stem from my grappling with nursing ethics essay roles, duties, and responsibilities.
Although we may try to cultivate objectivity, our background, beliefs, and worldviews prevent nurses from being completely unbiased in our approach. We are human beings, not robots. The personal, cultural, nursing ethics essay, and spiritual values that have contributed nursing ethics essay my worldview, and continue to do so, nursing ethics essay, shape my….
References "My Nursing Ethic. Grand Canyon University. Trevizan, M. et al. Spirituality: the basis for nurses' ethics. Medical Law 23 4. Winslow, G. Ethical boundaries of spiritual care. Medical Journal of Australia Ethics and Morality Ethical Analysis: A Nursing Situation Ethical Analysis Identify the nursing issue In ancient times, nurses used to take orders from other senior professionals where they were then permitted to initiate routine procedures.
Their intellectual skills and reasoning were not valued or fostered. The approach to nursing made any decision regarding medical and ethical issues at the discretion of the doctors. However, nursing ethics essay, nurses in modern settings have realized the therapeutic potential where patients are involved in treatment decisions and course of care.
Therefore, people who face influences from major decisions dislike policies from unilateral decision-making process. The diversion appears when nurses have good reasons to act and face treatment consequences during daily works. A year-old woman had malignant breast lump, which was realized after numerous tests were…. References Butts, J. Rich, K. Nursing Ethics: Across the Curriculum and Into Practice. Veatch, R, nursing ethics essay.
Taylor, C. Ethical and Legal Issues for Doctoral Nursing Students: A Textbook for Students and Reference for Nurse Leaders. New York: DEStech Publications, Inc. It is important for nurses to recognize individual beliefs and traditions when it comes to the dying process and respect those in the families they work with.
If a family believes a dying family member should have oil placed gently on the forehead the nurse can help the family accept the pending death of their loved one by allowing anything non-intrusive to be done. Whether the nurse agrees with the belief or not is not important, what is important is that the nurse respects the wishes of the family as much as possible while still providing required medical care.
Machines and medications keeping life support viable does not mean the person is still alive. Nursing professionals often have to help…. References Do the poor deserve life support? Landsburg - Slate www. Her carative elements strive to "honor the human levels of nursing's work and the inner life world and subjective experiences of individuals we serve" Watson,p.
The 2 instances of these carative elements, nursing ethics essay, which were later on altered to caritas considerin medical practice are "establishing and sustaining a helping-trusting, genuine caring relationship" and "existing to, and supportive of, the expression of favorable and adverse sensations as an association with deeper spirit of self and the one-being-cared- for" Watson,nursing ethics essay, p. Caring needs the registered nurse to have a meaningful relationship within themselves and to the spirit within the client.
Watson's caring model needs the registered nurse to appear at the individuality of the specific…. References Edwards, S, nursing ethics essay. Three versions of the ethics of care. Nursing Philosophy, 10, Edwards, S. Is there a distinctive care ethics?
How to Write an Ethics Paper
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Nursing often deals with ethical dilemmas in the clinical arena. A case study demonstrates an ethical dilemma faced by healthcare providers who care for and treat Jehovah's Witnesses who are placed in a critical situation due to medical life-threatening situations. A Code of Ethics for Nurses Essay Example In the current health care delivery system, the relationship between nurses and patients has been challenged more than ever. Nurses face “ethical issues and stresses in intra- professional and inter- professional relationships not envisioned in years past” (Walleck, ).Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins Nursing Ethics. Every individual is guided through ethical decisions based on certain values and perspectives. The ethical Lens Inventory is an ideal personal evaluation tool that may be used by nursing personnel and others to interpret the values that influence their actions
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