The Management Of Performance Management Essay. Words5 Pages. There seem to be a multitude of definitions for Performance Management. Here are several of these definitions: “Performance management is a process by which managers and employees work together to plan, monitor and review an employee’s work objectives and overall contribution to the 25/11/ · The term “performance management” is used to refer to a constant, uninterrupted process of communication, illuminating job responsibilities, performance as well as anticipations intended to create a clear and common understanding between the workforce and the manager Performance management ‘refers to the set of interconnected practices designed to ensurethat a person’s overall capabilities and potential are appraised’ (Bratton and Gold, ). Furthermore, it should direct employees’ performance and align their objectives to theCompany’s Strategic Objectives. Throughout this essay I will be focusing on the /5(3)
Essays About Performance Management | WOW Essays
We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Essay. Topic: CommunicationWorkplaceperformance management essay, DevelopmentEmployeeManagementBehaviorGoalsOrganization.
It is not enough to have a talented workforce in an organization. For the organization to meet its objectives, the manager has to work close to the workforce so as to understand what is being done correctly and wrongly. Moreover, his presents encourage workers as well as showing them how activities are suppose to be done.
Therefore, performance management is inevitable if the organization is to succeed. In every organization, results and behavior go hand-in hand. This is where the importance of performance management performance management essay in handy, Adiele, Precisely, these are the entire activities that guarantee consistent achievement of organizational goals in a successful and proficient manner, performance management essay. Notably, performance management may be centered on the performance of a department, organization, process or employees as well as other areas, Bustamante, It generally concentrates on behavior and performance management essay, which are the two crucial elements of performance.
It is important to note that, performance management is a viewpoint which values and supports the development of employees through a management style that offers regular feedback as well as promoting teamwork.
It accentuates communication and centers on putting in value to the organization through promotion of the performance of jobs and encouraging development of skills, Bustamante, Generally, performance management engrosses clarification of job duties, definition of standards of performance, documentation, rating as well as discussion of performance with each and every member of the workforce. Consequently, the major objective of performance management include: boosting two-way communication between the employees and the manager; clarification of goals, missions, priority, tasks and expectations; identification and determination of performance problems; distinguishing quality performance; and lastly, giving a starting point for administrative decisions, Adiele, As mentioned above, there are two main parties that are involved in performance management; the employee and the manager.
Being the leader, the manager plays various roles as far as performance management is concerned, performance management essay. Moreover, it is the responsibility of the manager to assist the employees through the evaluation period to ensure that they improve on the areas that had been identified in need of improvement, Adiele, The other responsibility of the manager is that of carrying out progress reviews for each and every employee performance management essay the opening yearly planning period and the end of the evaluation period.
Lastly, the manager should be able to identify employees with high-quality performance and ensure that they are rewarded accordingly. By so doing, these employees will be motivated to work even harder and those are registering low performance rates will try to improve in order to qualify for these rewards.
Feedback is a very important element in performance management. As a matter of fact, the feedback may be positive or negative. Whichever kind of feedback one might get, it will determine performance management essay performance of the individual in the future. If the feedback is positive, it acts as a motivation for the employees to work even performance management essay as they are assured of good performance and output. There are various issues that should be noted as far as performance feedback is concerned.
The feedback should be frequent. It should also be focused on solving probable problems. Additionally, the feedback should be centered not on an individual, but on the results. Lastly, performance management essay, the manager should identify effectual performance through congratulation, Bustamante, Generally, there are three important elements of feedback. The other element is that, it acts as a motivational factor for the employees to improve their productivity.
Lastly, it plays a significant role in achievement of professional goals of the company as well as developing competencies among the workforce. In some cases, performance management essay, problems may arise in the performance of the employees. It is the work of the manager to chip in to help correct this problem. It is the role of the manager to prepare and embark on a focused discussion of the problem at hand with the affected individuals, Bustamante, This should then be followed by stating the need for performance improvement.
Thereafter, the manager and the affected individuals should jointly review the situation at hand. After the review, they should then both decide on the steps that are to be undertaken.
Through this process, the affected individuals will be able to identify the possible actions to take. Finally, rewards are vital elements in performance management. The manager should be able to identify high performing employees so that they can be rewarded in order to encourage them in their daily activities. This is also an opportunity to motivate poor performing employees to raise their standards. Notably, there are different categories of rewards: monetary or salary related, promotional opportunities, and recognition awards, Bustamante, Adiele, N.
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The Management Of Performance Management Essay. Words5 Pages. There seem to be a multitude of definitions for Performance Management. Here are several of these definitions: “Performance management is a process by which managers and employees work together to plan, monitor and review an employee’s work objectives and overall contribution to the 23/9/ · A successful performance management interview is one that is purposeful and meaningful to the blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins 25/11/ · The term “performance management” is used to refer to a constant, uninterrupted process of communication, illuminating job responsibilities, performance as well as anticipations intended to create a clear and common understanding between the workforce and the manager
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