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COM Website Critique Memo When first arriving on the home page of the website for the country music artist, Jason Aldean, I was reminded of colored fluorescent lights commonly found in honky-tonk districts or at cheap roadside motels along lonely two-lane highways. This image was spurred by the background graphics that appeared to be an artistic rendering of a photo for an entrance to an old amusement park sample essay websites county fairgrounds.
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Aside from the sample essay websites image of a carnival entrance, the most prominent feature is…. Engagement Comments There are numerous interactive activities which may be engaged in on the site, sample essay websites.
There are however some sections of the site which may not be so engaging for children as they are quite dry. For example some of the historical documents which are presented have no interactivity associated and may only be read as the paper versions. Navigation Comments There are clear menus presented down the side to access different areas of the site.
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The review covers architecture as well as design elements, including site organization, navigation, page layout, and graphic content. Our analysis also discusses effective design principles, and we cite examples where they were followed and where they were not. Throughout the paper we make a series of suggestions for improvement, sample essay websites.
ather than isolating them as a group towards the end of the paper, they are presented throughout the paper as each design element is discussed. At the end of the paper we provide mockups of a redesigned homepage and secondary page done in PowerPoint which incorporate some of our proposed changes. Site Purpose We began the Web site evaluation by analyzing the site's purposes and goals, sample essay websites. According to the article "Designing an Effective Web Site," "The nature and substantive content….
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Trust in consumer-to-consumer electronic commerce. com Accessed April 10, Michelle L. Kaarst-Brown, J Roberto Evaristo. Perceived Threats and Opportunities: A Preliminary Model of the Book Retailer Internet Presence Decision. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 14, no.
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Essentially, there are ten things an individual ought to look out for when evaluating an information source. These include: the author, the publication date of the source, the edition, the publisher, the journal title, the target audience, objective reasoning, coverage, style of writing, and opinions voiced….
References Cornell University Library, sample essay websites. Critically Analyzing information Sources: Critical Appraisal and Analysis, sample essay websites. Evaluating Web Pages: Techniques to Apply and Questions to Ask. Media literacy depends sample essay websites a critical evaluation of websites.
The textbook criteria for evaluating websites may include the source whether it is a research-based organization or notthe audience whether the audience is scholarly or generalthe date of the material which in science does matterhow the material is presented, and what other people say about the site or how the site is sourced.
Language and diction can also play into whether websites are credible or not. For sample essay websites, the Sample essay websites Globalwarming.
org does look like a blog, and indeed it is one. The criteria of appearance already raises red flags about the credibility of the source. The "contributors" to the blog are listed as being the "Cooler Heads Coalition, an ad hoc coalition of more than two dozen free market and conservative non-profit groups in the U, sample essay websites.
and abroad," meaning that the information does not come from a research-based…. References GlobalChange. html Textbook. Job Sites The three job sites that I evaluated were Monster. ca, Eluta. ca and Workopolis. These are three major job sites in Canada. Workopolis and Monster're older and are more popular in terms of traffic Alexa. com, see graphwhile the newer Eluta trails by quite some distance at this point, sample essay websites.
The graph shows their Alexa ranking for Canada, sample essay websites, obviously with the lower number being better, sample essay websites. These three sites were evaluated on the basis of their content and user experience. The three sites were tested through randomly searching jobs in finance here in Toronto.
For the user, the quality of the jobs is another proxy that sample essay websites be looked at -- the best sites will have the best jobs. There are a number of dimensions along which the sites can be evaluate -- their functionality, their aesthetics and pragmatic considerions. If it doesn't look good, people will be turned off quickly. References Bai, B.
International Journal of Hospitality Management. Douglas, sample essay websites, A. Applying a structural equation model approach to evaluating national tourism organization websites in the Caribbrean. Knight, J. An experimental aesthetics approach to evaluating websites.
Aesthetic Approaches to Human-Computer Interaction. Evaluating websites using a practical quality model. DeMontfort University. Corporate Websites Aramark Aramark is an institutional services provider. It runs three different divisions -- food, facilities and uniforms. They sell all sample essay websites services to each of these four customers, but likely have this divisional structure to reflect that there are unique needs for each customer type.
There are many different jobs available to hospitality graduates at Aramark, given its size and multitude of services that it provides. There are basically two types -- the internships that are available to students who otherwise do not qualify for the managerial positions, and then there are the managerial positions. Students with no experience are likely to end up with an internship. There are opportunities in food service management, operations and production management, as well as a variety of corporate postings in numerous fields.
The Compass Group The…. References Aramark. com Website, various pages. com Compass-group. com Sodexo. com Website, various pages. Policy Website Evaluation: Implications for HUS Service Workers With the internet increasingly becoming a common source of information for human service workers, sample essay websites, evaluating the credibility of information is crucial. The CAAP Currency, eliability, Accuracy, Authority, and Purpose method provides a suitable tool for achieving this.
In this paper, the tool was applied to three websites relating to child welfare issues: Child Welfare Information Gateway, CWLA, and Childwelfare. While the analysis indicates that CWLA is the best website, all the three websites met the threshold for a good website as the least-scoring website attained a score of 8 points out of a possible 15 points. This evaluation has important implications for human service professionals, sample essay websites, especially those dealing with child sample essay websites issues.
To avoid misleading the public, human service workers must ascertain that the information they use is credible, reliable, up-to-date, and verifiable. Policy Website Evaluation: Implications for HUS Service Workers Introduction…. References Featherstone, B. Gender and child welfare in society. Mallon, G, sample essay websites.
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