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Traditional family essay

Traditional family essay

traditional family essay

The Traditional Family 1. Traditional Authority. In my family we have a set of rules that are applied and enforced by my parents. This type of 2. Traditional and Modern Families. Before we start talking about what modern family is, lets discuss some points about 3. Family in The One Day of the Essay On Traditional Family. Words4 Pages. Register to read the introduction But as time passes, things change and the idea of traditional family is one of them. This concept started to change many years ago and has created many different types of families which are Traditional Family Essay Family As A Traditional Family. Consequently, words have many definitions, connotations and origins. Traditional Families And Traditional Values. Even though traditional values should change, families should be more The Traditional American Family. The traditional

FREE The Traditional Family Essay

The traditional family is traditional family essay as two parents and their children, who are living under the same roof, in one house with one head household. This is the definition that defines the traditional family. The traditional family was very popular some decades ago; now in the modern world, it is hard to find these kinds of families, and you can see that the traditional family has almost disappeared, traditional family essay. However, where I came from, traditional family essay, in Saudi Arabia, traditional family essay family style is almost the same as the traditional one.

The family is the most important unit of the traditional society. In every part of Saudi Arabia, there are many huge tribes that represent the Saudi society. For example, in my city there is a huge tribe, to which I belong, and it contains thousands of families. It is important for any family to be a part of the tribe.

In my city, which is called Najran, there is an ancient tribe, and it is called Yam. It is kind of traditional to keep generations of family names. In the tribe system, there are many good things that help the entire families, even if it is a poor family or single parent family.

The tribe is almost like a government that gives protections for the families. I have once read this quote and I like it so much. I admire this thought of Mr. Haley, traditional family essay, because it shows us how the family is important for the whole society. They were living together, facing the same problems, and fighting the same enemy.

They were like one family, who loved and protected each other. The past of the family effects positively in the way of their life right now, even though the conditions of life have changed, they are still in the same way of being together in any case. I will mention one small example of the connection between the family and the society, traditional family essay.

Last year in my city, my brother was going to get married, and he had to prepare everything for the ceremony. For one day, which is the wedding day, he would host hundreds of people for lunch and dinner. These people are relatives, friends, coworkers, and from other families, who were helped from my brother before.

They all came to congratulate my brother in his traditional family essay, and to give him some money, traditional family essay, which is going to help him in his financial life, traditional family essay. On the wedding day the people were dancing, chatting, and of course eating.

The wedding is a kind of reunion for all the tribe. This was one example of the wedding in the Yam tribe. And every tribe in Saudi Arabia has its own style of wedding, but in general, they have some similarities, traditional family essay. I just mentioned the role of the family in the society. And now it is the time to talk about how great it is to live with your family or to have them, traditional family essay.

Nobody knows the value of the family until he leaves them. Anyway, my family is working as a traditional family- father, mother, and the siblings.

They typically extend across households and multiple generations, and they involve close relationships with no biological kin and intimate friends. So we know that the people, who live traditional family essay big families, are working together more, and understanding each other more.

My father is the head of everything. My father traveled once to another country for a month. My brother was with us all the time; he came by regularly and asked what we needed.

My mother, and the other women, traditional family essay, is also playing a very effective role in the society. The mothers bring up their traditional family essay. If they do it in the right way, these children will help their country and their nation. I have read when I came to the United States that some fathers are bringing up children.

They might have no other choice; the wives work all traditional family essay, so there is no mom to take care of the children, therefore, the fathers do. To conclude, I think the traditional families are the perfect way to bring up children. You can see nowadays, that the people who live in connected and cohesive families have stronger emotions, and they are living traditional family essay care about someone.

Even if they are busy, or doing important things, they must give the family its rights, because there is nothing more important than the family. I have had the pleasure of knowing many American families when I came to the United States. One example is that of traditional family essay friend Charles.

His family is a household of parents with their three children. At the outset, one may think they are a traditional family. But a closer look reveals that they are more of a typical American family, traditional family essay. Both parents are working, one a businessman, and the other a clerk. It stands on its own. It has no support group that provides them with protection or extends help when one is needed.

In fact, his stepfather, although considered the head of the family, traditional family essay, has limited control over certain decisions in the house. However, there are also instances when the final decisions come from their stepfather. Unlike in my family, my father has the final decision at all times, and he controls everyone in the family, traditional family essay, including my mother. My mother just accepts every decision of my traditional family essay without questioning.

This goes to show that in an American family, the mother is not subordinate to the father. They each have specific assignments to do, which they perform so religiously.

Yet, I can see that his mother has many roles to play. Not only does she help in earning a living, she also keeps the house and takes care of the children. Contrary to this, my mother is not allowed to traditional family essay because her main responsibility is to make sure that each of her children is brought up to traditional family essay good and responsible people; and that the house is well-kept. In terms of value formation, both parents teach their children good values.

But sometimes, their parents lack the time to concentrate on their value formation because they are so busy earning a living. For me, this is a problem because it hinders the children from learning fully how to become responsible and productive members of the society.

Charles and I are similar in the sense that both of us traditional family essay a big brother. It is usually the mother who assumes the responsibility of the head of the family, not the eldest son. Charles and his siblings are very independent.

They have more freedom to speak out their minds and do what they want to do. This is contrary to my family where respect towards traditional family essay elders, particularly to my father is demanded every time we speak. Nevertheless, when I asked about how Charles feels about his family, he talked about them as if they are the best there is. I can sense the pride and honor he feels for his family. They may not be that much close to one another, but I can feel that he has a special affection towards all members of his family, specially his mother.

In all of these, I have concluded that Saudi family is a lot different from that of American ones. They follow different norms and perform different roles and responsibilities, as depicted in my family and that of Charles. They have different ways of bringing up their children and they follow varying sets of values. Moreover, Saudi and American families play dissimilar roles in society and each family member plays different roles in their respective families as well. Despite this big difference, there is a common thread among families, be it Saudi or American — the unconditional love we feel for our family and the understanding that the family shapes who we are and what we can become to our society.

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traditional family essay

Oct 30,  · A traditional family or nuclear family, as it is sometimes referred to as, consists of a heterosexual monogamous couple that are legally bound through marriage and their healthy, dependent children, Muncie et al. (). There is usually a clear division of labour where the male predominantly plays the instrumental role of the breadwinner and the female predominantly plays her Essay On Traditional Family. Words4 Pages. Register to read the introduction But as time passes, things change and the idea of traditional family is one of them. This concept started to change many years ago and has created many different types of families which are Traditional Family Essay Family As A Traditional Family. Consequently, words have many definitions, connotations and origins. Traditional Families And Traditional Values. Even though traditional values should change, families should be more The Traditional American Family. The traditional

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